Kettle River Tea Store

Kettle River Tea Store

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


March is a transition month, with the winter lingering a bit longer than usual.
Tea Man underwent a major surgery last month and this month we’re open fewer
hours and not taking on too much ‘extra.’ We did enjoy participating in a
progressive dinner party with two other businesses, and an artist’s showcase of
necklaces. I modelled one which was voted as the favorite necklace in the show
and won a door prize. I loved the chai tea latte i made for that event and plan
to make again on the first Saturday of April. We’re having a ‘find the prize’
egg hunt, one per customer please, look for an egg with surprises, coupons and
special sales inside. Gotta have that chai tea again….with those ginger crisps,
those were tasty! In a few quiet moments, had time to make new gift
for spring. Also want to show off a few new treasures found in
March. I spotted a dainty blue and white set in a thrift store-saw the bottom
markings and knew it was Royal Albert ‘Dainty Blue.’ I didn’t know that included
in the set was a Shelley ‘Dainty Blue’ dish, until I got them home and could
unwrap the set. What a find! They are all lovely, but it’s such an unexpected
delight to find Shelley. Then, a few days later, I had to make a quick trip to
the neighboring town and ran into a thrift store there. One little cup caught my
eye, a cute scene and green handle, flipped over, peeled away the price tag and
BOOM, there is was! Another ’shelley’ piece to add to our store’s collection.
Very spring and lovely. We’ve also added some new tea, Yerba Mate. Interesting
flavor-very earthy and grassy. I’m working on a new blend, a lemon chamomile
blend, thinking of adding hibiscus and orange, see if we can get the blend just
so. Treasures, transitions, thinking forward….

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